Electronic filing information (EFiling) Print
Thursday, January 12 2023
The court's electrnic filing system (EFiling) is operational and the documents uploaded are being priocessed bythe Clerk's Office.

As a result of the court's recent problems with its email system, however, the systems's autmatically generated emails are non-operational.  This is resulting in confusing messages on the screen page following the customer's proicessing of their electronic filing.  The screen page will display:
                               "The following from address failed: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ""
                                "Could not sendmessage to _(customer name),__(customer email)__"

The documents are being received and are being processed.  Rather than reply on the automatically generated emails, the Clerk's Office is manually sending Order Confirmation emails to its customers.

If you have any questions, contact the Clerk's Office at (225) 382-3000.